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About Me 🌿

I am a graduate student majoring in the Interdisciplinary Program in Bioinformatics at Seoul National University.

The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Background 📚

I completed my undergraduate degree in Biological Science at Inha University in 2022. During my time there, I undertook internships in wet-lab environments. However, I discovered a stronger interest towards data analysis over experimental work.

My Journey 🚀

This realization led me to pursue Bioinformatics at the graduate school. Due to bioinformatics’s interdisciplinarity, I should have a solid background in programming, statistics, and Biology. Biology wasn’t obstacle for me, however, without any hands-on experience, doing data analysis and writing a code was very challenging despite my grasp of basic Python syntax and foundational statistics such as probability, hypothesis testing, and inference.

Documenting Progress 📝

Thus, which means that I am starting everything from very beginning scratch, so along the way, I decided to document my progress and learning experiences, sharing them with you guys. Through my blog, my goal is to support individuals facing similar challenges and offering guidance based on my own learning journey.

Let’s learn and grow together! 🌱✨